Informatik lernen ohne Computer

Jede Menge Übungen, jede Menge haptisches Zeugs, jede Menge Spaß! Auch für Freundinnen kleiner Taschenspielertricks gibt’s hier was.

Bei den Leuten von gibt’s noch mehr dazu, hier nur der Teaser…

Teach computer science… without a computer!

Get Unplugged Now

Computer Science Unplugged is a collection of activities designed to teach the fundamentals of computer science without requiring a computer. Because they’re independent of any particular hardware or software, Unplugged activities can be used anywhere, and the ideas they contain will never go out of date. Unplugged activities have been trialled and refined over 15 years in classrooms and out-of-school programmes around the world.
And it’s free!

You can download Unplugged activities as individual PDF files from their pages on this site, or download a teachers‘ version of the collection as a single file. But it’s worth browsing this site. You’ll find supplementary material for each activity: videos, links, photos, feedback, curiosities and more. We’re also working on online games, competitions, links to curricula, and new material. Printed versions of the Unplugged material are available for purchase, and proceeds from sales are put back into the project.

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