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The International Mathematical Union IMU has prepared a new women in maths website which was launched by IMU president Ingrid Daubechies at ICWM in Korea.
Launch Of new international Women In Maths website
In March 2013 the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) approved the establishment of an Advisory Group for Women in Mathematics, charged with creating and overseeing a section of the IMU website entitled Women in Mathematics (WiM). Opportunities for women vary widely from country to country and a main aim is to enhance the participation of women in all mathematical communities. The new WiM site has been launched at the International Congress of Women Mathematicians on August 12th just prior to the International Congress of Mathematicians, at the address
The site includes information about organizations, people, events, resources and initiatives of interest to women mathematicians world-wide. In order to maximize the usefulness of this site, suggestions from the community are welcome. Indeed, advice concerning items for inclusion is important to the Advisory Group.
The Advisory Group may be contacted at info-for-wim(bei)