Students welcome… Studieren für Flüchtlinge im Ruhrgebiet – Learning in the Ruhr Area for refugees


Wer fliehen musste und nach Bildung sucht, findet im Ruhrgebiet einige Möglichkeiten, sie zu finden.

All of you who had to flee and now are looking for education, can find some offers in the Ruhr Area.

Ruhr-Uni Bochum
Arabic, English, Deutsch

Uni Duisburg-Essen
students have to comply with specific requirements
advice regarding degrees made somewhere else
Förderschule für Kinder und Jugendliche
(special school for kids and youngsters)

TU Dortmund

no need to comply with any requirements
Emil-Figge-Str. 61: Mo, Wed 12:30 – 15, Tues 9 – 11, Thurs 13 – 15
advice via phone +49231 755-6349 Tues 13 – 14, Thurs 10 – 11
Courses, talks, science for children… open to everyone

Diverse Unis

Akademische Auslandsämter (International Offices)
Currently (still) required: Deutschkenntnisse

… and more

Und es gibt noch mehr Initiativen… And there are even more initiatives…

Ruhr-Uni Bochum
Students help refugees (they accompany people: appointments at agencys, visit a doctor; organisation of game nights, soccer games, parties; students also try to give advice for any question)

Augen-Logo Maria

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