International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.2

Für die Freundinnen (und Freunde) von Genderforschung gibt es hier eine Publikation, die die eine oder den anderen Leser*in interessieren könnte:

Political objects: Prescriptions, injustices and promises of material agents

Guest editors: Waltraud Ernst, Corinna Bath and Marja Vehviläinen

This special issue contains studies of political objects in, and of, science and technology from the perspective of feminist new materialism. The investigations show how gender relations are shaped through material-discursive practices in which humans relate to non-human species as well as inorganic matter. Diverse phenomena are discussed: anabolic steroid risks; drone mediated activism; musical objects; algorithms; food; and user-machine-designer interactions.

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Augen-Logo Waltraud / Maria

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