Integration via IT

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Refugees (& Co.) welcome in IT @ReDI

ScreenshotReDI School: Create opportunities through digital education „We are teaching technology to break down barriers and connect the digital leaders of tomorrow.“ Anne Kjaer Bathel (born Riechert), CEO & Co-Founder ReDI School

ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit tech school located in Berlin, Munich North Rhine-Westphalia (Düsseldorf, Duisburg), and Copenhagen. ReDI School was founded 2016 in Berlin to make it easier for refugees to integrate and find work in the IT industry. Today ReDI School offers free high-quality coding classes for tech-interested “newcomers” as well as locals without access to digital education or a professional network. Additionally, ReDI School teaches soft skills, connects its students with mentors, and organizes networking events with companies for a fast-track integration into jobs.

In view of a serious shortage of over 124,000 open IT jobs in Germany (*Bitkom, 2019), companies also benefit from this program. The supporters of the ReDI School include around 100 companies, like Accenture, Cisco, Microsoft, Klöckner & Co., Coca-Cola Foundation, Chanel Foundation, Deloitte, Deutsche Bahn Stiftung, JP Morgan Foundation, Villum Fonden, and the City of Munich (MBQ). Since founding the first ReDI School in Berlin in February 2016, more than 3,000 students from over 40 nations have been trained for the German job market. Each semester more than 700 experts from more than 20 countries volunteer (as coaches, mentors or teachers) at the ReDI School and accompany the students on their integration process.

The name ReDI derives from „readiness“ and „digital integration“. ReDI School is AZAV-certified (Accreditation and Licensing Ordinance Employment Promotion). In 2018, the Financial Times Germany named ReDI School one of the 100 most innovative initiatives in Europe. In 2018 Handelsblatt named Founder Anne Kjaer Bathel (born Riechert) „Encourager of the Year“ and in 2020 she won the Germans Start-up Award as the best female social entrepreneur.

What is the Digital Women Program?

The Digital Women Program is a ReDI initiative to increase the participation of migrant and refugee women in tech courses. The program is for women only and the courses are tailored to women needs. The courses run in the weekend and child care is provided for our students. Please see this page or contact Edlira if you want to find out more about the Digital Women Program.

Do I need to provide any document to sign up?
We are going to ask you some questions about yourself, but you don’t have to bring any official document. For some courses, we might ask you to bring your CV to the interview before joining the course.

When do the next courses start?
Our courses usually start in February in August/September.

More information
NRW: ReDI School goes to NRW and starts a new school in Düsseldorf in September 2020. We are thrilled about the opportunity to connect with future tech talents in this important region of Germany. Did you know, North Rhine-Westphalia calls itself the Diversity State? We think it’s high time for us to start building a ReDI community here. Due to a “blended learning” concept, a mix of online courses and face-to-face classes, students located in neighboring cities such as Cologne, Essen, Duisburg, and Bonn will be able to join too. A huge thank you to Accenture and Microsoft for their support. We are ReDI, are you?

Geflüchtet und IT-affin: Willkommen @ReDI

ScreenshotReDI School: Mit digitaler Bildung zu mehr Integration „Wir lehren digitale Fähigkeiten, um Barrieren abzubauen und die Experten von morgen zu vernetzen.“ Anne Kjaer Bathel (geb. Riechert), CEO & Co-Founder ReDI School Die ReDI School of Digital Integration ist eine gemeinnützige Technologie-Schule mit Sitz in Berlin, München, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Düsseldorf und Duisburg) und Kopenhagen. Die Schule wurde im Februar 2016 mit dem Ziel gegründet, Geflüchteten die Integration in die Gesellschaft und in den Arbeitsmarkt zu erleichtern. Heute vermittelt ReDI in kostenlosen Kursen digitale Fähigkeiten an IT-affine „Newcomer“ und Einheimische, die keinen Zugang zu digitaler Bildung oder einem professionellen Netzwerk haben. Um den Berufseinstieg zu erleichtern, bietet ReDI auch Soft-Skill- und Bewerbungstrainings an. Außerdem vernetzt ReDI seine Studenten mit Mentoren und organisiert Netzwerkveranstaltungen mit Unternehmen aus der Tech-Branche.

Angesichts eines akuten IT-Fachkräftemangels von über 124.000 offenen IT-Stellen in Deutschland (*Bitkom, 2019), profitieren auch Unternehmen von diesem Programm. Zu den Partnern der ReDI School zählen rund 100 Unternehmen, darunter Accenture, Cisco, Microsoft, Klöckner & Co., Coca-Cola Foundation, Chanel Foundation, Deloitte, Deutsche Bahn Stiftung, JP Morgan Foundation, Villum Fonden and the City of Munich (MBQ). Seit der Gründung der ersten ReDI-School wurden mehr als 3.000 Studenten aus über 40 Nationen für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt geschult. In jedem Semester engagieren sich über 700 Experten aus über 20 Ländern ehrenamtlich in der ReDI School, als Trainer, Coaches oder Mentoren und begleiten die Studenten auf ihrem Integrationsprozess.

Der Name ReDI leitet sich ab von „Readiness“ und „Digital Integration“. Die ReDI School ist AZAV-zertifiziert (Akkreditierungs- und Zulassungsverordnung Arbeitsförderung). 2018 wurde die ReDI School von der Financial Times Deutschland zu den 100 innovativsten Initiativen in Europa ernannt. Die Gründerin Anne Kjaer Bathel wurde 2018 vom Handelsblatt zu „Mutmacherin des Jahres“ gewählt.

Augen-Logo Maria

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